569: Naval/Mechanical Engineering Master - NPS Online
Naval/Mechanical Engineering Master
Master’s Degree #569
Est.imated Completion Time: 36 months
Starts: Quarterly
The objective of this program is to provide graduate education, primarily in the field of Mechanical Engineering, in order to produce graduates with the technical competence to operate and maintain modern military & space systems.
The Mechanical Engineering program is designed to meet the specific needs of the U.S. Military, U.S. Coast Guard, Industry partners and international partners with a broad-based graduate education in Mechanical Engineering with a focus on fluids, structures, autonomous systems, and space systems. The program is intended to be completed within 36 months, assuming one course or thesis slot per quarter and gives the student a broad naval/mechanical engineering education.
An original research project resulting in a finished thesis, or additional course work and a project is an integral part of the curriculum.
Typical Course of Study
Upon entry into the program students will typically enroll in one course per quarter to be taken via distance learning. Typically, students may stack certificates to complete the coursework requirement of either 8 or 10 courses. Four specialty tracks within the course of study are also offered: Structures, Fluid Thermodynamics, Applied Trajectory Optimization, and Robotics in addition to some Aerospace Engineering and Space Systems courses.
The program of study for each student will be submitted for approval by the Chairman of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.
Courses Required
Courses Available | |
118: Aerospace Engineering (choose 4) |
299: Applied Trajectory Optimization |
122: Structures |
123: Thermodynamics/Fluids (choose 4) |
223: Robotics Engineering |
The following are eligible for this offering:
- Naval Officers
- Naval Enlisted
- Non-Naval Officers
- Non-Naval Enlisted
- DON Civilians
- DOD Civilians
- Defense Contractors
- Non-DOD Federal Employees
- International military personnel
Requirements for Entry
- A baccalaureate degree from a school that has Institutional Accreditation is required, preferably in an engineering discipline
- While an undergraduate degree in engineering is preferred, special preparatory programs can accommodate officers with other backgrounds
Learning Outcomes
Graduating students will meet the ABET 1 through 7 outcomes either by previous attainment of an ABET BSME Degree, or by having the knowledge and skills equivalent to an ABET-accredited BSME.
Graduating students will have a minimum of one (1) year of advanced study beyond the bachelor’s level and have advanced level knowledge in Mechanical Engineering as demonstrated by the ability to apply master’s level knowledge in one of the available specialized disciplines of Mechanical Engineering.
Graduating students will have the ability to apply technical knowledge in a leadership role related to national security.
Application Information
Applications are handled by the NPS Admissions Office. Please visit the admissions website or contact them at admissions@nps.edu.
Tuition & Service Obligation
For information regarding tuition, please contact the NPS Tuition office at tuition@nps.edu, or contact this offering’s POC at caadams@nps.edu.
For information regarding service obligation, please visit the Admissions Office’s Eligibility/Service Obligation page.
Other Information
Requirements for the Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering - MSME or a Master of Science in Engineering Science with a major in Mechanical Engineering – MSES(ME) are met as a milestone enroute to satisfying the educational skill requirements of the curricular program. There must be a minimum of 32 quarter hours of credits in 3000 and 4000 level courses, including a minimum of 12 quarter hours at the 4000 level. Of the 32 quarter hours at least 24 quarter-hours must be in courses offered by the MAE Department.

Application Deadlines
No upcoming deadlines.
Academic Calendar
No upcoming events.