Basic Analytic Wargaming


Est.imated Completion Time: 5 days

POC: NPS Online Support

Modality: Resident

4 CEUs


The Basic Analytic Wargaming Workshop is a mixture of lectures and practical exercises. The workshop provides students a hands-on experience with designing, developing, executing, and analyzing a wargame. This workshop is for 16-20 students. The sponsoring organization provides the wargaming topic that is used as the basis for the workshop’s practical exercises. The instructors then mentor the student teams’ development of a wargame that is executed by the student teams on the last day of the workshop.

This workshop format provides the sponsoring organization two primary benefits:

1. It builds a cadre of personnel who can initiate, design, develop, conduct, and analyze a wargame. COCOMs have leveraged this opportunity by having personnel from their J-3, J-5, J-2, J-4, J-7 and J-8 staff sections attend the workshop and work, in teams, to learn how to design and execute a wargame.

2. It allows the building of up to four wargames created by the workshop’s completion that can then be further built out and used by the organization to meet actual wargaming requirements.



Dr. Jeff Appleget

A retired Army Colonel who served as an Artilleryman and Operations Research analyst in his 30-year Army career. Jeff was a key member of the Concepts Analysis Agency’s Desert Storm analysis team. Jeff later served as the Director of the TRADOC Analysis Center (TRAC)-Monterey and served as the Commander of Troops and Deputy Director at TRAC-White Sands Missile Range where he was the senior military analyst for the Future Combat Systems Analysis of Alternatives. He finished his uniformed career as the Deputy Director of TRAC at Fort Leavenworth. Jeff joined the OR department faculty in May 2009 and re-designed the Wargaming Applications course to integrate real world sponsors into the curriculum.


Dr. Robert E. Burks, Jr.

A retired logistics Army Colonel with more than thirty years of military experience in leadership, advanced analytics management and logistics operations who served as an Army Operations Research analyst at the Naval Postgraduate School, TRADOC Analysis Center, United States Military Academy, and the United States Army Recruiting Command. He has led multiple analytical study teams responsible for Army Transformation (organizational change) issues and his work includes applying analytical methods to develop solutions for complex problems in support of the Combined Arms Support Command, the Army’s sustainment think tank and premier sustainment learning institution.

Learning Outcomes

Students learn how to:

  • Initiate (problem definition, problem scoping, sponsor interaction, forming a wargaming team, create a data collection and management plan (DCMP)).
  • Design (create a scenario, collect data, choose methods models and tools (MMTs), select players, develop Constraints, Limitations, and Assumptions).
  • Develop (understand design-development cycle, playtesting, blind playtesting, full dress researsal).
  • Conduct (facilitation, data collection, adjudication, player management, exercise contingencies).
  • Analyze (collate data, prepare and present a quick look report, write an executive summary).

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