Introduction to Control Systems

Course #EC2300

Est.imated Completion Time: 3 months


This course presents classical analysis of feedback control systems using basic principles in the frequency domain (Bode plots) and in the s-domain (root locus). Performance criteria in the time domain such as steady-state accuracy, transient response specifications, and in the frequency domain such as bandwidth and disturbance rejection are introduced. Simple design applications using root locus and Bode plot techniques will be addressed in the course. Laboratory experiments are designed to expose the students to testing and evaluating mathematical models of physical systems, using computer simulations and hardware implementations. ME2801 and EC2300 are equivalent courses. This course can be offered as an online course. Familiarity with the MATLAB development environment is assumed.


  • AE2440
  • EC2440
  • MA2121

Learning Outcomes

·       To gain familiarity with analysis of feedback control systems in the frequency domain and in the S-domain.

·       To understand the control design specifications in the time domain and in the frequency domain.

·       To be able to carry out the controller design for the first-order and second-order systems to meet a set of performance criteria.

·       To be familiar with computer simulation and design tools using MATLAB and Simulink.

·       To be exposed to modeling, design, testing, and evaluation of physical control systems through laboratory experiments.

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