Joint Network-Enabled Electronic Warfare I

Course #EC3700

Est.imated Completion Time: 3 months


The concept of information operations (IO) and the critical role for electronic warfare (EW) are examined. The net-enabled force transformation is presented emphasizing how network-enabled EW technology provides a force multiplier for this transformation. Important EW technology components of SeaPower-21 are emphasized. The network space – battlespace duality and the Global Information Grid are also analyzed (FORCEnet). Metrics are presented to quantify the information value from wireless networks of distributed sensors and weapons. A direct assessment of the value of the network (information superiority) to the combat outcome (battlespace superiority) is presented. Integrated air defense suppression examples are studied using game theory to demonstrate the concepts. The role of intelligence also is emphasized. Sensor technologies and their use in the battlespace are presented. Mathematical models for electronic attack (EA) techniques are developed including those against GPS, RF and IR sensors. Off-board EA techniques including chaff, towed and rocket decoys, and digital image synthesizers are emphasized for counter-surveillance, counter-targeting and counter-terminal. High-power microwave and laser-based directed energy weapons are examined. Sensor protection techniques are discussed including an introduction to the new area of counter-electronic support. Students do a research project on a topic of interest from the Force Transformation Roadmap. Laboratory exercises are also conducted in the Radar and Electronic Warfare Laboratory.

Included in degrees & certificates

  • 292
  • 294
  • 592


  • EC2500
  • EC3615

Learning Outcomes

·       Understand the new emission requirements for low probability of intercept (LPI) emitters.

·       Learn how to achieve ultra-low antenna sidelobes and what the tradeoffs are.

·       Identify the various scan patterns used by LPI emitters.

·       Understand the modulations that can be interleaved for achieving a large processing gain and identify the origin of LPI radar.

·       Compare the interception range with the LPI radar detection range.

·       Understand and generate the different LPI phase, frequency and hybrid radar modulations.

·       Calculate the periodic autocorrelation function and periodic ambiguity function of each modulation.

·       Identify within a case study, whether a LPI anti-ship seeker can detect a low radar cross section ship in the presence of a high sea state.

·       Understand what digital RF memories are and how they are used for electronic attack.

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