Cyber System Vulnerabilities and Risk Assessment

Course #EC4715

Est.imated Completion Time: 3 months


The course utilizes reverse engineering principles to identify and assess vulnerabilities in electronic, communication, and control systems and analyze risk to provide tradeoffs. Vulnerabilities in cyber systems based on genetic, developmental, and those caused by system overload are presented. Widely accepted industry and military standards, underlying technologies, specification mismatches and interoperability, and resource constraints are examined to identify vulnerabilities of interest. Vulnerability assessment at component and system level along with prioritization and elimination procedures are discussed. Risk analysis for secure operation of the system and relevant tradeoffs are presented. Laboratory exercises provide hands-on experience.

Included in degrees & certificates

  • 296


  • EC3730
  • EC3740

Learning Outcomes

·       The student will be able to describe the vulnerability pyramid and its relationship to the system supply chain.

·       Given an entry point in the vulnerability pyramid, the student will be able to describe the dispersion of risk and vulnerabilities.

·       The student will take a structured approach to analyzing cyber systems for vulnerabilities.

·       The student will select appropriate models for risk analysis given the parameters of a specific cyber system.

·       The student will illustrate the effects of resource constraints on cyber systems.

Offerings database access
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Application Deadlines

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Asset Publisher

Academic Calendar

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