EC4785: Internet Engineering - NPS Online
This course examines the optimal design and analysis of interconnected, heterogeneous computer networks, specifically those employed by the US Navy (e.g., IT-21). A common theme throughout will be the confluence of connection-oriented and connectionless data communications and their overarching networking methodologies. The course will focus primarily on the TCT/IP suite. Techniques for segmentation and reassembly, routing, transfer agent placement, error control, throughput analysis, broadcasting, and multicasting will be examined in detail. Performance of common distributed applications will be analyzed.
Included in degrees & certificates
- 295
- EC3710
- CS3502
Learning Outcomes
· The student will have an understanding of the underlying issues associated with computer communications over heterogeneous communications systems.
· The student will have a solid understanding of the architecture of the Internet and how path determination is performed across the Internet.
· Given demographic growth estimates for numbers and types of users, the student will be able to design an network topology that will adequately handle the organization’s data communications needs.
· Given a specified address space, the student will demonstrate optimal management of addresses in network design.
· The student will be able to discuss methods for addressing congestion control and error recovery across such systems.
· The student will be able to identify the advantages and disadvantages of both circuit and packet switching and discuss hybrid techniques for improving throughput by drawing from both switching methodologies.
· The student will be able to identify all the tasks of network management.
Application Deadlines
No upcoming deadlines.
Academic Calendar
No upcoming events.