Introduction to Unmanned Systems

Course #ME3720

Est.imated Completion Time: 3 months


This course provides an overview of unmanned systems technology and operations, including navigation, vehicle dynamics, power and propulsion, communications, navigation, motion planning fundamentals. Operational and design considerations for single and multi-vehicle operations are presented. Volume and weight limitations on payload and range are covered as are energy and power constraints.

Included in degrees & certificates

  • 117


  • Permission of Instructor

Learning Outcomes

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of unmanned systems technology, encompassing navigation, vehicle dynamics, power and propulsion, communications, and motion planning fundamentals.
  • Analyze operational and design considerations for both single and multi-vehicle unmanned operations, including factors such as coordination, collaboration, and autonomy.
  • Evaluate volume and weight limitations on payload and range, considering how these constraints impact system design and performance.
  • Assess energy and power constraints in unmanned systems, understanding their implications for endurance, mission duration, and overall system capabilities.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in applying navigation principles to unmanned systems, including GPS, inertial navigation, and other relevant technologies.
  • Understand the fundamentals of motion planning for unmanned vehicles, including path planning, obstacle avoidance, and optimization techniques.
  • Apply knowledge of power and propulsion systems to design efficient and reliable unmanned vehicles, considering factors such as energy efficiency and mission requirements.
  • Collaborate effectively in team-based projects to design, build, and test unmanned systems prototypes, demonstrating practical application of course concepts.
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