Missile Flight and Control

Course #ME4703

Est.imated Completion Time: 3 months


Tactical Missile Flight Dynamics, Guidance and Control. Kinematics and dynamics of motion, forces and moments acting on the missile, coordinate frames and transformations, concepts of stability and control. Key principles of feedback control. Stability and performance specifications, Concept of controllability, PID control. Lateral autopilot design, classical and modern design approaches; agility in maneuvering trajectories. Homing loop design, operational requirements. Principles of missile guidance as a control task; stability of guidance laws. Pursuit guidance equation, constraints, and the associated performance specifications; firing envelope, "no-escape envelope." Proportional navigation guidance law, stability and performance specifications of PN guidance. Metrics of objective comparison of guidance laws and their applicability in specific scenarios of engagement. Additional topics are selected from the following areas to address the general interests of the class: advanced guidance laws, passive sensors, INS guidance, fire control and tracking systems.

Included in degrees & certificates

  • 118
  • 299
  • 608
  • 613


  • ME3205
  • ME2801
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