Analysis of Human Resource Management

Course #MN3111

Est.imated Completion Time: 3 months


A broad coverage of human behavior in the work situation, with key emphasis on the issues of work in the Navy Manpower Personnel and Training Environment. Topical areas covered include selection, placement, training development, and evaluation of personnel; motivation, remuneration, morale, supervision, and working conditions in military organizations; job design and organization development within complex military bureaucracies; equipment design and man-machine interface, and the impact of technological programs within the military.

Included in degrees & certificates

  • 208


  • GB3010

Learning Outcomes

In this course students learn how to:

  • Apply the fundamental concepts of human resource management to analyze defense organizations’ managerial effectiveness; critically evaluate elements of human resource management to develop defense organizations’ competitive advantage.
Offerings database access
Asset Publisher

Application Deadlines

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Asset Publisher

Academic Calendar

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