Software Acquisition Management for Defense Systems

Course #MN3309

Est.imated Completion Time: 3 months


This course focuses on the key aspects of mission critical computer resources with particular emphasis on major weapon systems embedded software. The course analyzes software development, software risk management, software in the systems acquisition life cycle, software metrics, contracting methods for software, software test and evaluation, and software configuration management. Case studies, reports, software specifications and standards, and other similar documents/materials are used. The course addresses the underlying management principles involved in software acquisition. Significant software acquisition issues and problems are examined and solutions developed.

Included in degrees & certificates

  • 192
  • 198
  • 218
  • 722
  • 836


  • MN3331
  • MN3301
  • MN3222
  • MN3302

Learning Outcomes

  • Determine why the DoD has software problems and what are potential solutions.
  • Examine military software history and past recommendations to modernize the processes used by DoD program offices in developing and acquiring software for both weapon and IT systems.
  • Evaluate alternative approaches to meet a needed capability based on affordability, schedule and technical considerations.
  • Analyze the ability to estimate software size, effort and schedule challenges that face DoD program offices.
  • Determine unique software related risk that a program may experience during execution.
  • Consider unique software requirements and how these impact the management within the program.
  • Examine what type of acquisition insight and involvement within the JCIDS/DAS/PPBE process is required to set a software intensive program up for success.
  • Analyize the Do’s and Don’ts for software management and how these can be applied.
  • Evaluate safety-critical systems and determine why these programs deviate from commercial practices.
  • Determine what makes Software intensive systems different.
  • Consider an integrated Hardware / Software system and why designing and acquisition of these program are challenging.
  • Software is immortal and needs a unique approach to life-cycle support, consider these unique opportunities and challenges for future systems.
  • What does it look like to do software right and determine ways to overcome obstacles.
  • Software Factories/DevSecOps provide unique opportunities to exploit commercial processes while incorporating cyber protection, what are the challenges within the requirements and budgeting process.
  • Metrics are important to program managers, can EVMS be tailored or is there something better to determine progress within a software intensive development.
  • What are unique contract considerations for software intensive systems and what can ensure the right company is awarded the contract.
  • Determine how to justify and defend the budget of a program using DevSecOps.
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