MN4307: Defense Acquisition Program Management Case Studies - NPS Online
Defense Acquisition Program Management Case Studies
Course #MN4307
Est.imated Completion Time: 3 months
POC: NPS Online Support
This course advances the principle of “student centered learning.” It provides the student with knowledge and application of integrated management control processes with regard to performance, cost, and schedule, while examining higher-level, and real-world defense systems. Issue-oriented topic areas likely to affect Program Management Office (PMO) personnel include: acquisition reform; critical thinking & decision making; acquisition strategy; industrial base; ethics & procurement integrity; requirements management; incremental development; prototyping; strategic communications; contracting; test and evaluation management; earned value (EV), technical performance measurement & technical reviews; program documentation; program baselines; production and manufacturing; logistics support; deployment and fielding; quality management; risk management; OSD oversight and milestone review, costing and budgeting; and international program management issues. Integrative case studies involving managerial problem solving and decision-making in the Program Management Office environment are also used to provide application of concepts in both IPT teaming and multiple-role individual settings. Teamwork exercises are conducted to reinforce concepts and add real-world human dynamics. Key Acquisition Management Areas of Focus in this course are:
- Critical thinking, resource management, and stakeholder engagement in Acquisition Strategy formulation
- Technology and Risk Management
- Acquisition Program Baselines – Formulation and Management
- Ethical and Fact-Based Decision-Making
- Support to Program Decisions, Assessments and Periodic Reporting
Included in degrees & certificates
- 192: Defense Management Foundations
- 218: Advanced Acquisition Studies
- 722: Systems Engineering Management - Systems and Program Management
- 836: Master of Science in Program Management
- MN3331: Principles of Acquisition and Program Management
- MN3221: Principles of Acquisition and Program Management I
- MN3222: Principles of Acquisition and Program Management II
- MN3301: Acquisition of Defense Systems
Learning Outcomes
- To demonstrate student inquiry and higher level, critical thinking by identifying, analyzing, and evaluating program management control and policy issues from multiple perspectives.
- To demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of program management life cycle, its phases and processes.
- To identify and interpret the underlying statute, regulation, and acquisition policy.
- To recognize, analyze and assess the problems and issues facing the program manager, Program Management Office personnel, and senior defense acquisition managers.
- To differentiate and evaluate the processes involved in policy formulation and execution in the defense acquisition environment and how to influence these processes while serving as senior Program Management Office team leaders.
- To assess the business and operating concepts essential to effective program management at the PMO level and revise to an evolving defense acquisition environment.
- To use business acumen and program management best practices to formulate effective acquisition solutions.
- To recognize and interpret the ethical considerations in acquisition program management.
- To explain and understand the challenges facing multi-service or joint acquisition programs.
- To demonstrate the ability to effectively implement acquisition strategies.
Application Deadlines
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Academic Calendar
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