Energy Security and Geopolitics

Course #NS4967

Est.imated Completion Time: 3 months


This course addresses broad themes and debates in energy security at an advanced level. Particular emphasis is on the history, economics and politics of energy and their implications for the energy security policy options the U.S. faces today. While the course looks at energy issues from a U.S. national security perspective, regional energy security issues around the world are examined to provide prospective on the policy differences the U.S. is encountering at the international level and will face in the future. This course is offered DL. Prerequisites: None.

Included in degrees & certificates

  • 236

Learning Outcomes

  • Read and critically engage with leading literature on energy security and geopolitics.
  • Develop a working knowledge of the oil and natural gas supply chain.
  • Describe core energy-related concepts, actors, and institutions.
  • Use concepts, theories, and historical events to understand current energy geopolitics.
  • Identify and evaluate threats to countries’ energy security.
  • Produce policy recommendations aimed at mitigating energy security threats.

Offerings database access
Asset Publisher

Application Deadlines

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Asset Publisher

Academic Calendar

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