Training and Simulation

Course #OA4402

Est.imated Completion Time: 3 months


The theoretical foundations of skilled performance will be covered including the principles of skill acquisition, the specificity or transferability of skills, individual differences and the prediction of skilled operator performance. The second half of the course will be devoted to advances in training systems and instructional design for promoting the efficient acquisition of military-related skills, knowledge and abilities. Same as MV4002.

Included in degrees & certificates

  • 359


  • OA3401

Learning Outcomes

·      Students will learn to manage the development, implementation, and evaluation of training systems.

·      We will cover both the psychological (learning and training principles) and technical areas of training systems and examine how training fits into the acquisition life cycle.

·      We will improve a student’s ability to identify the training system features and management processes that contribute to training effectiveness.

·      We will discuss methods for measuring trainee performance and assessing training effectiveness.

Offerings database access
Asset Publisher

Application Deadlines

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Asset Publisher

Academic Calendar

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