Joint Campaign Analysis

Course #OA4602

Est.imated Completion Time: 3 months


This course studies the development, use, and recent applications of campaign analysis in actual procurement, force structure and operations planning. Emphasis is on formulating the problem, choosing assumptions, structuring the analysis, and measuring effectiveness. Interpreting and communicating results in speech and writing is an important part of the course. In the last three weeks students conduct a broad gauge, quick reaction campaign analysis as team members.

Included in degrees & certificates

  • 117


  • A course in basic probability and statistic theory and operational experience in military environments

Learning Outcomes

·       Gain experience in the review and evaluation of warfare analytical studies to support operational level decisions.

·       Be able to synthesize a complex analytical study and brief to a senior non-analytical decision maker. Present concise analytical briefings to decision makers on the content, strength, and weaknesses of a warfare analytical study.

·       Construct an operational concept of operations from a scenario that allows quantitative assessment.

·       Formulate a problem statement, develop assumptions, create metrics, and select combat models, analytical tools and simulations to conduct risk assessment on a developed operational concept of operations.

·       With the study structure defined from 4, conduct analysis to assess the risk and rewards of a particular concept or technical advancement inside an operational scenario.

·       Be able to clearly communicate warfare analytical results by briefing, short point paper, and longer white paper.

Offerings database access
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Asset Publisher

Academic Calendar

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