Operations Analysis in Naval Operational Planning


Est.imated Completion Time: 5 days

Program Area: Data Science and Decisions

POC: NPS Online Support

Modality: NPS Hawaii Campus


A five-day short course covering practical applications of search theory, probability, decision theory, simulation, and combat models in naval operational planning, tactical decision-making, and risk assessment. The intended audience is any midgrade or senior naval officer involved in operational and logistics planning.


Professor Jeff Kline

Attended the University of Missouri, School of Engineering, graduating with honors in Industrial Engineering, and received his Navy commission through the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps program in 1979. His initial sea tour was in USS MOOSBRUGGER (DD-980) serving as Gunnery Officer and Navigator. Jeff’s following sea tours included assignments as propulsion officer in USS RANGER (CV-61), Combat Systems Officer in USS JOHN L. HALL (FFG-32), Operations Officer for Tactical Destroyer Squadron 32, Commanding Officer of USS AQUILA (PHM-4), Commanding Officer of USS CUSHING (DD-985), and Deputy Operations Officer of COMSIXTHFLT. His shore tours include Marine Corps Landing Force Training Command, Pacific, as an instructor in Naval Gunfire and Supporting Arms, Naval Postgraduate School as a student in Operations Research graduating with honors, and Office of the Secretary of Defense as a Naval Analyst. Jeff is also a 1997 distinguished graduate of the National War College in Washington D.C.

Location offered: Course will take place onsite at EWTGPAC, NAB, Coronado CA.

Learning Outcomes

After successfully completing this short course, you will:

  1. Gain an appreciation and apply analytical techniques in mission analysis and course of action evaluation.
  2. Discuss and apply how to assess risk to mission through probability.
  3. Apply search theory techniques (random, barrier, negative search) to assess anti-submarine warfare plans and operations.
  4. Apply decision theory techniques (pay-off matrix, game theory, decision trees, and Bayes Theorem) to assess course of action selection.
  5. Discuss the use and value of optimization and simulation in naval operational planning efforts.

Other Information

Active-duty military and DoD civilians attending these courses will have a streamlined admissions process which will not require academic transcripts to be passed to NPS. Participation will be determined by the command. Upon completion of the course, students will have the ability to receive a transcript with continuing education unit (CEU) credits.

NPS Hawaii Operations Analysis in Naval Operational Planning, 9 -13 December (PDF)

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