Introduction to Energy Logistics in Warfare Operations

Course #OS3613

Est.imated Completion Time: 3 months


Studies in energy sources, distribution, and consumption focused on the sustainment of warfare operations.  Energy sources to include petroleum-based fuels, and synthetic liquid fuels and other alternative energy sources.  Introductory distribution analysis to include requirements and vulnerability of operational logistics lines of supply by ship, rail, pipeline, trucks and air.  Introductory consumption analysis to include modeling of energy consumption logistics planning factors for ship, aircraft, and ground force operations. This course is designed for Distance Learning Energy Certificate students.

Included in degrees & certificates

  • 121
  • 236

Learning Outcomes

Through completion of OS3613, the student should be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of how joint and combined warfare operations are enabled or limited due to energy logistics that support and sustain warfare.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of energy consumption requirements for combat ships, aircraft and ground forces in warfare.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of combat support distribution and vulnerability of operational logistics lines of supply by ship, rail, pipeline, trucks and air in warfare.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship of warfare outcomes to energy sources to include petroleum-based fuels, and synthetic liquid fuels and other alternative energy sources.
Offerings database access
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Asset Publisher

Academic Calendar

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