Cost Estimating and Analysis Capstone II

Course #OS4082

Est.imated Completion Time: 3 months


This course continues the on hands-on experience of OS4081, completing the cost estimation project. Student teams will develop the cost model and analyze alternative cost estimations of the problems presented in the previous course; they will develop and test the estimate, and then document and defend their estimate. Students provide concise written reports, which include the analytical results, and a presentation to decision makers. Class time during the quarter is used for team progress briefings and critical class discussion.

Included in degrees & certificates

  • 379


  • OS4081

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, you will demonstrate you can:


  • As a team, execute a Cost Estimation and Analysis Study Plan that provides a goal oriented, sequenced timeline that will facilitate completion of your Systems Analysis project.
  • Effectively demonstrate proficiency in the applicable Cost Estimating tools used during the conduct of your analysis.
  • Identify and apply appropriate analytical methodologies, to include problem formulation objective identification, measure of effectiveness application and data collection and analysis, to provide a decision maker a solid foundation for his/her course of action selection.
  • Communicate study results in a comprehensive, yet succinct, manner by developing a 15,000 – 20,000-word summary report.
Offerings database access
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Application Deadlines

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Asset Publisher

Academic Calendar

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