Naval Weapon Systems Technology I

Course #SE3122

Est.imated Completion Time: 3 months


This is the first of two courses that introduce the student to the technologies of combat systems. It starts with a brief survey of military sensor technology. It then introduces the student to effects of the propagation medium on sensor performance, the relationship between signals and noise, and the concepts of signature and signature control. The various sensor technologies involved in military applications of all kinds are presented as well as the essentials of C4ISR and the C4ISr Framework.

Included in degrees & certificates

  • 119
  • 174

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: 

  • Describe the role of sensors from a systems perspective. 
  • Explain the physics underlying common sensors including radar, sonar, and EO/IR systems. 
  • Analyze and quantify the impact of the atmospheric and weather-related phenomena on sensor performance.
  • Describe and quantify the impact of multipath and ducting phenomena on detection sensors. 
  • Discuss key sensor functions and concepts such as search, detection, estimation, and tracking (both active and passive).  Analyze and quantify sensor performance measures related to these functions to include carrier-to-noise requirements for detection and estimation problems; resolution requirements for detection and identification by imaging sensors; and characteristics of tracking systems and filters.
  • Help develop analytical models/simulations for evaluating the role of sensors in systems concepts.
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