Combat Systems Integration

Course #SE4115

Est.imated Completion Time: 3 months


This course presents systems engineering techniques for integrating combat systems into a common system, including technology development, system development and integration, network integration, and system of systems integration. Lectures and projects exploring engineering design tools and analysis methods to meet specified systems requirements are used. Topics include engineering analysis of interfaces for power, data, mechanical, and other attributes; engineering change management; advanced collaboration environments; technology readiness levels; and integration risk mitigation.

Included in Degrees & Certificates

  • 174


  • SE3113
  • SE4112
  • SE3122
  • SE3123

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Design a combat system that satisfies specified mission requirements.

  • Describe how command and control principles are incorporated into the design of an integrated combat system.

  • Estimate communication and computational requirements to support C4ISR in an integrated system.

  • Analyze combat systems performance with respect to survivability, safety, and electromagnetic compatibility concerns.

  • Select a combat systems suite that satisfies mission requirements.

  • Arrange the elements of that combat systems suite on the platform of interest while satisfying critical design constraints and without sacrificing performance.

  • Verify that the combat systems design satisfies key performance requirements including survivability.

  • Trade different design strategies to optimize survivability versus cost and performance.

  • Integrate safety and human factors considerations into the design of the combat system.

Offerings database access
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Application Deadlines

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Academic Calendar

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