Space Technology and Applications

Course #SS3011

Est.imated Completion Time: 3 months


An introduction to space mission analysis with an emphasis on those space missions supporting military operations. Topics include space history, doctrine and organizations, orbital mechanics, communication link analysis, space environment, spacecraft technology, and military, civil and commercial space systems.

Included in degrees & certificates

  • 273
  • 298
  • 608
  • 738

Learning Outcomes

  • Orbital Mechanics
    • Understand the space environment in orbit.
    • Understand characteristics of typical orbits used by the Defense and Commercial industry, how each orbit is unique and what each is typically used for.
    • Be able to calculate basic maneuvers/changes in orbit.
    • Understand basic concepts of getting into orbit.
  • Satellite Systems, Subsystems & Communications
    • Understand concepts related to engineering satellite/spacecraft systems and subsystems (Power, fuel, disposal, debris, communications, orientation, etc.)
    • Be able to calculate parameters needed to establish communications links between ground and space.
  • Understand Defense and Commercial uses of space.
    • Understand military uses of space both domestically and internationally.
    • Domestic and International commercial use of space.
  • Space Policy
    • Understand Defense organizations that administer, acquire, and run space systems and the “big players” making decisions related to US Space policy.
    • Understand documents describing US space policy to inform decision-making in student's future space-related billets.
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