Space Communications Systems: Fundamentals and Analysis

Course #SS3610

Est.imated Completion Time: 3 months


Same as EO3510. With a focus on satellite communications/SIGINT, this course provides an understanding of the basic elements of a communications system and their relationship to system performance. Fundamental concepts such as current/voltage relationships, time and frequency domains, power spectral density, random signals, and communications system components and functions are covered. Following development of the signal to noise equation, system performance will be analyzed with respect to various design characteristics such as modulation, bandwidth and power trade]offs, and the use of spread spectrum techniques.

Included in degrees & certificates

  • 273


  • PH1322
  • Or permissions of the instructor

Learning Outcomes

At the conclusion of SS3610/EO3510 students will have the following knowledge and skills/abilities:

Knowledge. Students can:

·       Explain the relationship between the time and frequency domains with respect to a signal.

·       List and define the elements in a communications system’s block diagram and explain their functions.

·       Describe various digital modulation techniques and explain their relative advantages and disadvantages.

·       Describe the function of source encoding.

·       Describe basic antenna types and performance features.

·       Describe signal propagation and loss sources in a communications link.

·       Describe sources of noise in a communications link.

·       Discuss the relationship between noise and Bit Error Rate (BER).

·       Discuss the utility of channel encoding.

·       Describe spread spectrum techniques, their value and associated advantages and disadvantages.

·       Describe various multiple access techniques and their associated advantages and disadvantages.

·       Describe various frequency reuse techniques.


·       Perform link budget calculations and analysis to determine link performance with respect to desired BER, power, bandwidth, etc., requirements.

·       Model communications systems using lab resources (e.g.) MATLAB/Simulink.


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