126: SONAR System Applications Certificate - NPS Online
SONAR System Applications Certificate
Certificate #126
Est.imated Completion Time: 12 months
Starts: Summer
The SONAR System Applications curriculum is available to resident and Distance Learning students. It can be combined with Fundamentals of Engineering Acoustics and Underwater Acoustics academic certificate programs for partial fulfillment of requirements for Master of Science in Engineering Acoustics or Master of Engineering Acoustics degrees by Distance Learning students. Students typically take one course per quarter within a four-quarter period (12 months). The Distance Learning classes are usually timed to coincide with resident offerings. The course of studies is designed to improve the student's performance in operational, maintenance, research, engineering, and acquisition positions by providing the students with a firm background in the fundamentals of the theory and practice of the signal processing techniques that underlie naval applications of SONAR systems.
Stackable Path
Courses Required
Course | Details |
Course 1 | Choose one of the following:
Course 2 | Choose one of the following:
Course 3 | EC4450 |
Course 4 | PH4409 |
The following are eligible for this offering:
- Naval Officers
- Naval Enlisted
- Non-Naval Officers
- Non-Naval Enlisted
- DON Civilians
- DOD Civilians
- Defense Contractors
- International military personnel
Requirements for Entry
- Baccalaureate degree with mathematics through differential and integral calculus
- Calculus-based basic physics sequence
- Courses in the physical sciences and engineering are highly desirable
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the program, you will be able to
- Calculate and analyze the Fourier transform of periodic and non-periodic signals;
- Recognize and manipulate linear time-invariant (LTI) systems;
- Compute the transfer function and frequency response of linear time-invariant systems;
- Design systems to amplitude modulate and demodulate a signal for communication applications;
- Analyze signal frequency contents using the FT and/or the DFT;
- Apply basic theoretical principles and concepts that govern the design, analysis, and operation of passive and active sonar systems;
- Predict the consequences and understand design tradeoffs associated with altering important sonar system parameters such as beamwidth, array gain, probability of detection, probability of false alarm, range and Doppler resolution, etc.;
- Estimate the design parameters for a sonar system to achieve specified operational requirements.
Application Information
Applications are handled by the NPS Admissions Office. Please visit the admissions website or contact them at admissions@nps.edu.
Tuition & Service Obligation
For information regarding tuition, please contact the NPS Tuition office at tuition@nps.edu, or contact this offering’s POC at kay.gemba@nps.edu.
For information regarding service obligation, please visit the Admissions Office’s Eligibility/Service Obligation page.

Application Deadlines
No upcoming deadlines.
Academic Calendar
No upcoming events.