128: Artificial Intelligence for Military Use Certificate - NPS Online
Artificial Intelligence for Military Use Certificate
Certificate #128
Est.imated Completion Time: 12 months
Starts: Spring
Program Area: Cyber and Information Systems, Data Science and Decisions
POC: Prof. Neil Rowe
Modality: Distance Learning
This is a four-course sequence offered by distance learning (videoconferencing) in four successive quarters. Courses earn graduate-school credit. The goal is to provide military professionals and civilians with basic understanding of artificial-intelligence capabilities to enable good decisions on procurement, implementation, and application of artificial-intelligence technology. The focus is on the software concepts and technical details that can best support military operations and why. This curriculum supports the Federal Training and Development of Artificial Intelligence program.
Courses Required
Quarter | Course |
Quarter 1 | CS4000 |
Quarter 2 | CS3331 |
Quarter 3 | CS3332 |
Quarter 4 | CS4333 |
The following are eligible for this offering:
- Naval Officers
- Naval Enlisted
- Non-Naval Officers
- Non-Naval Enlisted
- DON Civilians
- DOD Civilians
- Non-DOD Federal Employees
Requirements for Entry
- A Bachelor’s degree is required but no technical background is required beyond high-school algebra.
Learning Outcomes
- Students can define the key concepts of artificial intelligence and correctly assess which apply to a given real-world problem.
- Students can simulate, with paper and pencil, simple methods of artificial intelligence for logical reasoning, knowledge representation, probabilistic reasoning, and heuristic search.
- Students can identify the key military applications of artificial intelligence including those involving sensors, signals, imagery, natural language, planning, and adversarial situations.
- Students can identify key challenges and vulnerabilities of artificially intelligent systems including limitations on the abilities of particular underlying technologies, adversarial manipulation of examples presented to machine learning, and trust in artificially intelligent systems.
Application Information
Applications are handled by the NPS Admissions Office. Please visit the admissions website or contact them at admissions@nps.edu.
Tuition & Service Obligation
For information regarding tuition, please contact the NPS Tuition office at tuition@nps.edu, or contact this offering’s POC at ncrowe@nps.edu.
For information regarding service obligation, please visit the Admissions Office’s Eligibility/Service Obligation page.
Other Information
Lectures will be given by Zoom or Teams videoconferencing software. They can be viewed while they are given (and questions will be fielded), but lectures will also be recorded for later viewing by those who cannot attend them. No travel is required for this program.
Although the last three courses in the certificate program are taught synchronously, class sessions are recorded for asynchronous viewing later for students who miss a class session. The first course is taught asynchronously.
Stackable with other DL certificates towards a Master’s of Applied Computing degree.
Tuition is $2700 per course for military, DOD civilians, DON civilians, and non-DOD federal employees. Active duty USN/USMC personnel are mission-funded, so no tuition is required. A student must be sponsored by their organization and the organization must have a Student Support Agreement with NPS.
Contact sponsorededucation@nps.edu if you have questions.

Application Deadlines
No upcoming deadlines.
Academic Calendar
No upcoming events.