Systems Engineering and Integration of Naval Weapons Systems Certificate

Certificate #174

Est.imated Completion Time: 3 months

Starts: Spring

Program Area: Naval Engineering

POC: Faculty Associate for Education

Modality: Distance Learning


The Department of Systems Engineering offers a four-course academic certificate in Systems Engineering and Integration of Naval weapons systems for distance learning (DL) students. The certificate is designed introduce the student to critical weapons concepts that are necessary for enlightened examination of both technology development and military planning. The overall emphasis is on what elements contribute to a combat system, their basic principles of operation, their performance limitations, trade-offs, and their interfaces with the rest of the combat system. The student is introduced to the nature of physical observables and propagators, the effects of the propagation medium on sensor performance, the relationship between signals and noise, and the characteristics of critical sensor functions (including detection, estimation, imaging, and tracking).

With that foundation, students then apply systems engineering principles to understand the design and operation of combat sensor systems. Sensor technologies covered include radars, ESM, active and passive sonar, infrared, and electro-optical sensors. Target engagement topics include the effects that conventional weapons (artillery, bombs, and missiles) can produce as well as the technologies needed by weapons systems to create those effects. Finally, techniques for integrating combat sensor systems and engagement elements into a common platform, including technology development, system development and integration, network integration, and system of systems integration are presented, including engineering analysis of interfaces for power, data, mechanical, and other attributes; engineering change management; advanced collaboration environments; technology readiness levels; and integration risk mitigation.

Courses Required

Quarter Course
Quarter 1 SE3122
Quarter 2 SE3123
Quarter 3 SE3121
Quarter 4 SE4115


The following are eligible for this offering:

  • Naval Officers
  • Naval Enlisted
  • Non-Naval Officers
  • Non-Naval Enlisted
  • DON Civilians
  • DOD Civilians
  • Defense Contractors
  • Non-DOD Federal Employees
  • International military personnel
  • International non-military personnel

Requirements for Entry

  • At least a C+ undergraduate grade point average
  • Lower level Calculus sequence with a C or better
  • Calculus-based physics sequence with a B average or above
  • If a prospective student is an outstanding performer but lacks the necessary academic preparation, NPS offers refresher and transition courses before the program start.

Learning Outcomes

After completion of the certificate students will be able to:

  • Understand and describe the fundamental physical and operational principles of naval weapon systems, to include sensors, engagement elements (weapons), and C4ISR systems.
  • Understand and explain the impact of both the natural and man-made environment on weapon system performance.
  • Apply quantitative tools to estimate and assess the performance of naval weapons systems.
  • Apply systems engineering principles to the design, integration, and operation of sensors, weapons, and C4ISR systems.
  • Understand the considerations, techniques, and trade-offs involved in the integration of multiple sensor systems and engagement elements on a common platform (system of systems).

Application Information

Applications are handled by the NPS Admissions Office. Please visit the admissions website or contact them at

Tuition & Service Obligation

For information regarding tuition, please contact the NPS Tuition office at, or contact this offering’s POC at

For information regarding service obligation, please visit the Admissions Office’s Eligibility/Service Obligation page.

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