Advanced Contract Management Certificate

Certificate #244

Est.imated Completion Time: 12 months

Starts: Quarterly

Program Area: Defense Systems Management

POC: Program Support

Modality: Distance Learning


The Advanced Contract Management Certificate is a graduate academic certificate program available to NPS resident and distance learning students. Designed for students interested in basic concepts of Contract Management, this certificate supports continuous acquisition reform initiatives mandated by Congress and senior leaders and also supports initiatives to educate operational warfighters in the business of contract management. The certificate contributes to Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) certification in the Contract Management career field.

Courses Required

Course Details
Course 1 MN3312
Course 2 Choose one of the following:
  • MN3318
  • MN3612
Course 3 MN4311
Course 4 MN4371

Requirements for Entry

  • Baccalaureate degree defined in section 4.2 of the Academic Council policy manual

Learning Outcomes

Students will learn:

  • Fundamentals of major Congressional statutes, agency policies and regulations, and legal precedents which govern Federal contract management.
  • DoD's major weapon systems contracting policies, processes, procedures, and practices with a primary focus on the contract management processes used to acquire defense weapon systems for the DoD.
  • Federal Government and DoD acquisition and contracting policies with a primary focus on senior acquisition and contracting leader critical thinking and decision-making.
  • DoD's major services contracting policies, processes, procedures, and practices to include performance-based services contracting (PBSC). Primary focus is on the contract management processes used to acquire complex services for the DoD.

Application Information

Applications are handled by the NPS Admissions Office. Please visit the admissions website or contact them at

Tuition & Service Obligation

For information regarding tuition, please contact the NPS Tuition office at, or contact this offering’s POC at

For information regarding service obligation, please visit the Admissions Office’s Eligibility/Service Obligation page.

Other Information

Requirements for the Basic Contract Management Certificate are met by successful completion of the four courses and graduate credit is obtained by maintenance of 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale. DL students will have three years to complete the course requirements.

Tuition for each certificate course is $2,600 for all students except DON active-duty officers.

DON active-duty officers are funded by the Navy and their command sponsors do not pay tuition. DON active-duty officers also incur a service obligation. All other students must be funded by their commands and organizations. Students may not fund their own tuition.

Students or commands are responsible for paying for their textbooks, course materials, and TDY expenses.

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