Systems Engineering Fundamentals Certificate

Certificate #282

Est.imated Completion Time: 12 months

Starts: Quarterly

Subspecialty Code: 5800L

Program Area: Naval Engineering

POC: Faculty Associate for Education

Modality: Hybrid


This certificate is designed to provide graduate level foundation courses in systems engineering to anyone interested in deepening their understanding of how DoD designs, develops and produces large complex systems. Students learn a disciplined approach to finding the right solution to the right problem: on-time, on-budget, supportable, and with minimal risk.

Math Requirements

To qualify for the OS3180 Pathway (OS3180, SE3100, SI3400, and SE3302):

  • A student must have completed a college level calculus sequence of at least one year.

To qualify for the OS3111 Pathway (OS3111, SE3100, SI3400, and SE3302):

  • A student must have at least one college level mathematics course.

*Students who take the OS3180 pathway are eligible to use the 282 certificate in the stackable pathway towards either the 311 Master’s Degree or the 722 Master’s Degree. **Students who take the OS3111 pathway are eligible to use the 282 certificate in the stackable pathway towards the 722 Master’s Degree only.

Courses Required

Quarter Course
Quarter 1 Choose one of the following:
  • OS3180
  • OS3111
Quarter 2 SE3100
Quarter 3 SI3400
Quarter 4 SE3302

Requirements for Entry

  • Baccalaureate degree with at least a 2.6 undergraduate grade point average (GPA)

Learning Outcomes

After completion of this certificate, students should be able to:

  • Apply advanced mathematics including probability and statistics.
  • Create basic system functional and physical architectures that represent a balanced approach to meeting stakeholder needs, derived system requirements, and suitability objectives. Understand basic system architecture frameworks and their role in architecture development. Apply basic model-based systems engineering techniques, based on UML or SySML, to create, define, and develop system architectures. Create, analyze, and evaluate alternative architectures against appropriate, system-level evaluation criteria and select the best system design based on quantitative and qualitative analysis.
  • Apply the basic system design process in a holistic context to include defining system requirements; conducting functional analysis and allocation to hardware, software, and human elements; designing a system; deriving and defining requirement specifications; allocating requirement specifications to sub-systems; designing for suitability, including reliability, maintainability, availability, supportability, producibility, usability, survivability, and interoperability; evaluating the system cost and risk; and incorporating risk mitigation strategies.
  • Apply basic qualitative and quantitative methods of engineering design analysis to include problem formulation, alternatives development, systems analysis, alternatives comparison, cost analysis, failure analysis, and risk analysis. Mathematical techniques include probabilistic analyses.
  • Demonstrate competence in the planning and management of a complex defense-related systems engineering project. Demonstrate an understanding of basic project management principles including project planning, organizational structures, cost estimating, project scheduling, time-phased budgets, earned-value management, risk and configuration management, and contracts.

Application Information

Applications are handled by the NPS Admissions Office. Please visit the admissions website or contact them at

Tuition & Service Obligation

For information regarding tuition, please contact the NPS Tuition office at, or contact this offering’s POC at

For information regarding service obligation, please visit the Admissions Office’s Eligibility/Service Obligation page.

Other Information

$2,750 per student/course.

The projected program starts for the current academic year are listed on this page. Projected sponsors, domain tracks, and cohort codes are provided.

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