Strategic Planning for Execution: Assessment and Risk (SPEAR) workshop - NPS Online
Strategic Planning for Execution: Assessment and Risk (SPEAR) workshop
Est.imated Completion Time: 3 days
Starts: Fall
Program Area: Defense Systems Management
POC: NPS Center for Executive Education
Modality: NPS Hawaii Campus
SPEAR workshop provides a guided, applied process to support Commanders and their executive teams to develop and effectively execute mission-critical strategic plans. These plans maximize Navy resources, target specific objectives, accurately assess outcomes, and mitigate risk. The workshop includes team working sessions that focus on a command’s specific goals, guided by expert facilitators, to develop results-oriented plans.
Location offered: Workshop can take place virtually, hybrid, or onsite at CPF.
Other Information
Enrollment limited to a maximum of 4 teams.

Application Deadlines
No upcoming deadlines.
Academic Calendar
No upcoming events.