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CORE Lab International Student Data Repository

The Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) Common Operational Research Environment (CORE) Lab requests CTFP funding to support expanding its capacity by developing a structured program of instruction, exportable outreach training and education program, and international student data repository. This includes establishing a Social Media Exploitation and Intelligence Automation Test Bed within the CORE Lab that will serve to expose students to the latest techniques in working with open source data from a variety of domains/sensors and using intelligence automation and unclassified analytical techniques to inform the crafting of appropriate intervention strategies.

The CORE Lab's courses of instruction are designed for U.S. military and government civilian employees and international partner nations' equivalents serving in or ordered to billets or positions dealing with anti-terrorism, counter-proliferation, counter-drug, and counter-insurgency. These students are enrolled in the NPS/DA program sponsored by the CTFP. The international fellows who successfully complete the CORE Lab five-course sequence outlined below will receive a certificate of completion that attests to their mastery of the fundamentals of link, geospatial, relational, and temporal analysis.
Defense Analysis
Naval Education Training Security Assistance Field Activity