Military Satellite Communications

Course #SS3613

Est.imated Completion Time: 3 months


MILSATCOM mission analysis, systems design, and applications. This course will cover requirements, tactical employment, system architectures, satellite design and performance, terminal design and performance, associated information systems, link budget calculations, telemetry and control and IO/IW implications. The student will be expected to create SATCOM solutions for Navy and Marine scenarios. U.S. Citizen, Classification: FOUO

Included in degrees & certificates

  • 273
  • 298
  • 608
  • 738


  • SS3011
  • Or consent of the instructor

Learning Outcomes

  • Understanding of the Link Budget including Antenna Gain, power, signal properties and losses.
  • Understand EM spectrum to include UHF, SHF and EHF, and how each of these is used by the military.
  • Understand multiplexing, modulation and multiple access, and the methods used for each.
  • Understand the management and control architecture of DOD SATCOM .
  • Understand the role of Commercial systems in DOD SATCOM .
  • To build an understanding of US Navy and Marine unique SATCOM requirements and how these are documented in the SATCOM Database.
  • To gain knowledge about the specific satellite systems in use by DoD today and the follow on systems in development.
  • To be able to plan for the use of SATCOM that will support operational needs.
  • To make the student comfortable with providing SATCOM advice to warfighters during the mission planning stages or during routine operations.

Other Information

International personnel are not eligible to take SS3613. SS3610 is available as an alternative.

Offerings database access
Asset Publisher

Application Deadlines

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Asset Publisher

Academic Calendar

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